hey ya'll
thought i'd start with a few of the basics about me
I believe that marriage should last a lifetime.
Any decorating with cats is tacky.
French vanilla hot cocoa is the best
Ads that fall out of magazines annoy me
So do the ones that follow as you scroll down a page
Flirting comes second only to kissing
Cheap beer and keg stands are for college guys – if you’re not in college, don’t go there
Dogs are a girl’s best friend – as is sexy perfume
I believe succeeding in love, not careers or money, is what makes your life a success
Any houseplant ever given to me has died. I do not have a green thumb
And as a manner of speaking, houseplants are generally not a good gift to give to a single woman – wine is much more appreciated and more useful
Heels are about how they make you feel, not how silly you look wearing them
I want a manly man – not a “metrosexual” or “girlie man”… nor one who hasn't cut the umbilical cord yet
Keeping up with technology challenges me… and frustrates me
Dancing makes me feel free and young again… too bad I’m too scared of looking stupid too much of the time to enjoy it every chance I get.
Powdered donuts make every crisis better…. that or whiskey & coke
I am thus far a failure at relationships… but it only takes one time to be a success
Useless trivia fascinates me… as do the people who memorize it
I know nothing about blogging… will say stupid things, probably offend at least a few people. But no one’s forcing you to read this – if you don’t like it , don’t read it.
Feel free to post comments, thoughts, personal expiriences, etc. No ads or spam, please.
till next time…