
Pulitzer Prize... here we come

my friend and I should write a book.
the conversation went something like this...

"the logical part of my brain knows that you're right. I just cant get the emotional-irrational part of my brain to SHUT THE HELL UP!"

"well my first reaction would be to throw some alcohol at the problem. but that might have the opposite effect in this case...."


kiss = relationship. making out = marriage

so a intoxicating night of greasy tex-mex, whiskey and dancing...
my hormones have beaten me into submission, & i'm a horny girl with her beer goggles firmly intact

yeah. past experience should have prepared me for this one.
not only did i get snubbed without a kiss, i get this ego-slamming text: "i wanted to kiss you tonight but i'm not ready for a gf"

WTF?!? since when did kissing = girlfriend???*
i just wanted to have some fun but now i'm going to bed pissed-off, drunk and lonely!
what a shitty combination - ARRRGGGGGGGGGHHH!

*you know, my dim recollection does re-call this guy dating some girl because they made out at a party and then she put they were "dating" in FB. for no other reason that those. pretty sure he couldnt have picked her out of a line-up.