
I'm gonna give that boy a piece of my mind and a swift kick in the pants!

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Mullets make me laugh.

An employee in a near-by department has an honest-to-goodness mullett.
Poofy, feathered, farrah-style bangs and straight, razored-cut
shoulder length hair in the back.

And it just MAKES me snicker insidiously whenever I see her.

Hurry up weekend.....the hysteria is building and the craziness is
starting to rub off!!!!

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nOone in this household wants to listen to nObama.

Stupid state of the union made my TV choices: ''hellcats" OR ''eloise
goes to the plaza''.

Yet one more reason to heartily dislike nObama.....

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thunder thighs

my thunder thighs are literally wearing holes in my jeans where they rub


so much for thinking I was making progress...
I'll have to go fat-girl jean shopping yet again :((

And you might have to put me on suicide watch if I have to buy a
bigger size yet again