so about a month ago, I got a wink.
normally, not a big deal. but this guy has winked before. he doesn't look like my normal type.
actually... he reminds me of howdy-doody. maybe just a bad pic?
but hey..... persistence is pretty cute (until it gets stalker-ish creepy. thats just scary).
So anyways we start emailing.
3 weeks later he wants to meet up in town for dinner. sounds good. except that grandma #1 has fallen and broken her hip again (other side), and mom (god bless her heart) needs a reprieve from being caretaker + full time teaching job at h.s.
so she's here with me this weekend.
well when she finds out, she of course, shoves me out the door.
and I'm pretty nervous about him not looking like his pictures. it being the most awkward awful date ever (although,... with my dating past, that would be quite a record to beat).
Anyways I walk in and this lanky 6'3 guy with the biggest smile on your face walks up to me and says (in an adorable country accent)
"are you miss (first name)?".
and just like that we're off.
we shut the restaurant down after 3 hours of talking.
my face literally hurts from smiling so much.
and I cant remember the last time that happened (probably sorority rush my freshman year in college. ick)
ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD to top it off, he wants to watch Steel Magnolias (after me quoting it all the time) so we're heading to his place for a night cap.
meeting a guy I can even just *dream* of a future with is so exciting.
and fingers crossed xx we will have chemistry for that first kiss ;)