in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness (thank you founding fathers) - which for single gals usually consists of the crapshoot known as dating - one is inevitably confronted with the existential question of "is there just ONE right person meant for you?"
if "YES" - how do you know who he is? have you already met him? what if you accidentally dumped the ONE person you are supposed to spend THE REST OF YOUR LIFE WITH!?!?!
once upon a time, I believed there was only one person for each of us. after the debalacle of 2002, i'm jaded enough to know better.
so, for the more logical (fingers crossed) answer of "NO" -
how do you know which person is the right person for this time in your life?
at what point, does that person cease to exist to be the "right" person for your current situation?
and how do you know when it is the right person for the rest of your life... not just another learning curve?
does someone who you care for and love but maybe not as passionately/iNsAnElY as the 3yr disaster mean that they're not the right perosn for you?
and when do you KNOW that he's the one for you? the point where you're sure that you and this person should be together. that it will all be okay. that ya'll will stick together, for better and for worse. that you'll make it work. that you'll be happy together.
and at what point do any of these questions get answered....
i wish i knew
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