
"so much to say, so much to say, so much to say, so much to say... "

"I find sometimes it's easy to be myself
sometimes I find it's better to be somebody else

so much to say, so much to say, so much to say, so much to say
'Cos here we have been standing for a long long time
can't see the light
treading trodden trails for a long long time.........."

sooooo much has happened. and i've been such a bad blogger (and friend to myself) for falling so far behind. if i could shake my finger at myself like my grammy used to, i would ;-)

anywho. short story. 5 month relationship flopped. made out w/ a friend. started to date a different friend. make-out friend no longer speaking to me - not really sure why. fell really hard and fast for 2nd "dating" friend (holding back feelings for 2 years makes that pretty easy). now he's not sure exclusive relationship is "best for both of us", and i am building the walls back up.
on the upside - 1 semester of grad classes down. only 6 bigillion left.

back-dating posts will occur as time permits...

side note - WAYY freakin excited about tequila Thursday this week :-D


patience is a virtue....that i dont possess

i want now, not later
i want more, not less
i want priority, not down the list
i want f-ing fantastic, not just good
i want forever, not maybe


boo-boos, boobies and band-aids dont mix...

so had a boo boo on my left boob.
thought - no problem! i'll just slap on some Neosporin and a band-aid. fix that up fast.

24 hrs later....i ripped off the small circular band-aid. and SCREAMED in pain! and now i have a round circle of skin missing from my left boob.
what started as a small boo-boo has turned into a rather large circle of raw skin.


lesson learned - band-aids and boobies don't mix!